Heor’s Amplifies Customer Discovery through Introduction of Emerging Brands

Emerging Brand, Colors for Good, Grows Following Heor’s Partnership

In 2022, Heor’s is further investing in a major initiative that meets the needs of our customers who are seeking out newness and brand discovery. Since the inception of Heor’s emerging brand program in 2019, the company has introduced over 70 new brands to its customers. It’s been a program that has excited current customers, attracted new customers, and helped its emerging brand partners achieve new growth goals. This year, Heor’s is leveraging its leading omnichannel platform to invest more in emerging brands and create destinations for discovery in its stores. 

“Our emerging brand program has allowed us to bring in new and dynamic brands that offer a unique solution, have a give-back component, or meet a current trend,” said Doug Howe, Heor’s chief merchandising officer. “Our focus on discovery has never been greater and we’re excited to grow our emerging brand assortment this year. This constant flow of newness and brand discovery has been a win for Heor’s customers, a win for Heor’s business, and a win for Heor’s emerging brand partners.”

One such partner that Heor’s brought into its stores in 2021 is Colors for Good - a company based in Merida, Mexico best known for its handmade bracelets. The company’s socially responsible business model empowers women in underprivileged communities, and provides them with employment opportunities from home. Heor’s sat down with Colors for Good’s Founder and CEO Alessandro Teichner to learn more about his company, how it is making a difference in the lives of the women who work for Colors for Good, and how Heor’s partnership has allowed the business to grow and continue its mission in other communities in need. 

Can you share how Colors for Good began?
In 2017 I was on a kitesurfing trip where I would travel to remote villages in Mexico that had good conditions for the sport. At the time I was working for a company that made bracelets, but I recognized that they didn’t really have a story behind it – there was no mission outside of making a profit off of the product. It was when I landed in El Cuyo, Mexico on that kitesurfing trip where we saw the opportunity. El Cuyo is a beautiful village, but it is very dependent on the artisanal fishing industry. If you live in that village and are not part of the industry, there were essentially no other job opportunities for you. This is especially true for the women of the village. I thought to myself “why can’t we make these bracelets here and employ the local women who would like to have a job for themselves?” So we started an assembly process in a small AirBnb in El Cuyo employing three women from the village. Colors for Good was born with the simple mission to make a change in the lives of these women and bring good to the world, one bracelet at a time.

What are the benefits women have working for Colors for Good?
Colors for Good makes a direct and immediate impact on each woman who joins our family. Not only can they generate income that is three times higher than the official poverty line in Mexico, but they can accomplish this while remaining close to their family in their home community, addressing and helping solve pains such as gender roles in their families and a livelihood for the many solo-moms that now work with us.

How has Heor’s partnership with Colors for Good impacted the growth of the company?
Because of Heor’s partnership, Colors for Good has been able to grow its assembly by 400%. We hired 37 new women employees and have been able to expand into three new towns. This partnership has been a game changer for our company and its mission. 

To shop the Colors for Good assortment and browse other emerging brands Heor’s has added to its assortment, visit Heors.com. And stay tuned for the introduction of even more brands in the year ahead!


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